If you've got a problem with Marshawn Lynch sitting during the national anthem then clearly your hobby is being recreationally outraged. đź’Ż
— Tim Trueheart (@TimTrueheart) August 13, 2017
BLOG #45: Write Everyday! #Writerslife
I write everyday, and so should you. I live a #writerslife. I’ve taken creative writing, poetry, and sketch writing classes. I’ve kept daily journals and I’ve written every kind of comedy from stand-up comedy to sketch, and even some gangsta rap but the most important thing about my writing is that I practice writing everyday.
Writing everyday is great for your brain, your vocabulary, and for finally finishing your own version of the Bible. By slowly growing a little everyday you can transition your daily writing exercises into legitimate daily blog posts. Blogging consistently will help you become a regular content creator which will drive more traffic to your website.
Here’s some free advice for your blog...
Edit it… A lot, don’t just put out your 1st draft. Make sure to avoid typos.
Do it for you! Write about what you ❤️ not what your gf/bf wants you to write, it’s your blog!
Put effort into your blog, if you don’t then why would anyone else?
Archive your blog posts and potentially turn them into an e-book.
Promote your blog so people know it exists!
BLOG #44: Thriving without money!
You can thrive without anything that costs money... Society makes you think you need to be rich like Scrooge McDuck to be successful.
A lady recently told me her goal was to make a positive contribution to society, and to have a happy healthy family. I thought she had more potential than that but if that’s what makes her happy then great. That lady is successful.
All you really need is to focus on what makes you the happiest and healthiest. Almost everything important to me is actually free...
I hear fools say crap like, "If I was rich, and could work out all day long I'd be ripped like The Rock too!" No, they wouldn't, because exercising is free and they’re not fit… They claim they could be fit but they’re just talking shit… and that’s straight up whack. Stop talking and start doing!
BLOG #43: Grow Through Criticism
To grow your audience people need to know about your product. You need as many people seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and enjoying your gadget, doodad, or Thingamajig as possible!
This is a difficult challenge for anyone and accomplishing it requires a willingness to grow as a person. Of course you’re growing too, you’re growing an audience after all. From time to time you will fail along the way, but everyone fails so it's nothing to be afraid of, and it’s actually a good test for yourself to learn from… How do you react when you fail? Just remember, every time you open yourself up for criticism you open yourself up for praise.
Besides, criticism isn't the worst thing that can happen, the worst thing is nobody cares. WOW, that’d be a big bummer! But it's unlikely that no one would care, you worked hard and DUH it’s going to be good if you worked hard enough on it. At the very least it’ll continue to build your forward momentum.
I’ve heard this, I'm not sure how much truth there is to this but it’s interesting. The biggest hustlers usually have the inferior products. If you have A lot of followers and a good product then your product should help you grow your audience. I've had great success on twitter growing my social media audience using simple techniques anyone online could do.
Remember these tips:
- You don't have to push an excellent product as hard as an inferior product.
- Sell excellent products.
- Only promote excellent products.
When selling or promoting anything ask yourself these questions. Answer the questions and make the necessary adjustments to your venture.
- Do you need to improve your product or promote your product?
- Am I promoting a high quality product?
- Would this product sell whether I’m here or not?
Good Luck,
BLOG #42: To Do Lists!
Many people have difficulty starting things. I myself am one of them... I am procrastinator, and I’m not proud of it. For example, I will do all of my low priority tasks on my to-do list... in other words, I’ll do everything at the bottom of my to-do list before doing my most important high priority tasks that are at the top of my list. This fundamental flaw in my approach to getting things done is nonsense. I’m not the only person who does this... Or, a great many other things many of us knowingly or unknowingly do to distract and deter ourselves from our true goals. It's all part of our own internal struggle with what Steven Pressfield says in The War of Art, is Resistance and that we have to overcome Resistance it's numerous forms everyday.
I am a procrastinator by nature so I’ve cultivated my "get things done" attitude and approach to life. For me, a big part of feeling good involves achieving and accomplishing things. It's weird I'm so drawn to achievement and success yet also a colossal procrastinator.
It's simple, the less we procrastinate the more we get done. The more we get done the better our life is. Unfortunately, many of us have an endless amount of stuff on our to-do list that we can't get it all done in a day. I would need weeks to get through my list. I go through phases where I’m getting things done and killing the game then suddenly I get hit with something like a holiday or something family related that halts my momentum. I hate getting my flow is disrupted because then I have to reestablish it which takes way more effort than just maintaining it.
The bottom line is achievement is rewarded. If you want to reap the rewards of achievement you need to sow the seeds of success. I think if you want to be successful you must define what success looks like to you. You can only imagine who you will become. Your responsibilities are your priority and procrastination is not an option. Get your priorities straight and focus on them. FOCUS = Follow One Course Until Successful... Stop worrying about the wrong things. Expect to give twice what you get. Accept that it's a struggle you have to overcome everyday and that you can do that. I think you've got this. Now go for it!
BLOG #41: Overcoming Artistic Resistance
I hate that the momentum of our society forces people, especially artists into positions they're unhappy with just so they can earn a living, albeit an unsatisfying one.
Artists just want to make art but the cost of living is so high they have to work many hours simply to be able to survive and maintain their art career... However the art created while burdened by the heavy weight of financial responsibilities is work forged from fatigue that has been stifled and compromised compared to their art had they not created it after enduring the grind of soul sucking day.
Lately I've been developing my critical thinking skills and in doing so I realized I'm just scratching the surface of what it means to even think critically. I was flabbergasted by this realization because it made me question my the level of consciousness I approach life with in general. I know that there is room for us to all grow so I challenge all you artists out there to get into your head and wrestle with your demons, emotions, and feelings about life and figure out where or what your bottom line is. Then establish a goal and develop a strategy to close the achievement gap between you and that goal. Once you’re on the to achieving your goal you’ll start building momentum and you’ll be on the fast track to success.
Good Luck
BLOG #40: #Writerslife
I write everyday so that I’m always creating new content. Some days I write a little some days I write a lot. I don’t try to write anything in particular when I write, just write whatever comes to mind. Everyday I write something with the potential for comedic distortion or artistic explorability.
When someone says they have difficulty creating I wonder if they’re letting their surroundings affect and influence them. Some people go through life with blinders on unaffected by the world around them. While others only absorb the superficial aspects of our society. This is disappointing because they don’t see how we are all connected to each other and they miss opportunities. You have to find what works for you and you’ve got to get out of your own way…
You can adopt someone else’s style but you must not steal. What works for me is a discipline based approach where I write a stream of consciousness about what I’m thinking. Creating is really about showing up everyday and working regardless of how you feel or whether or not you're going to do a “good job” each time. The fact you did the work is enough to make the experience itself worth it.
Good Luck,
BLOG #39: Dying is inevitable, Living is an Art!
Dying is inevitable, living is an Art.
This is poetic and also very inspirational. The phrase “living is an Art,” makes me imagine iconoclastic people who push the boundaries. There’s a documentary called Jiro Dreams of Sushi about the world's greatest sushi chef. Seeing people like Jiro raise the level of sushi to such heights is very encouraging. I love seeing people who transcend their craft into something more by pushing boundaries to the outermost those limits is where true genius occurs.
I heard you've gotta go out on a limb... because that's where the fruit is. I think it's important to go for it because that’s where real growth and learning occur. It’s absolutely necessary to success in life and until you become comfortable with going out on a limb and doing things that are uncomfortable you will not get everything from yourself that you can. If you live your life like a champion you will elevating yourself and your craft to artistry. No matter what you do, whether you’re a garbage man, or work at a carnival if you live your life like a champion then watching a documentary about your life would look like watching documentary about one of the world’s greatest artist. Also it's important to try to improve and become great at things because it creates positive momentum and inertia that will move you in the right direction!
BLOG 38: Get a lil better each day!
Self improvement isn’t as simple as buying a mango. Self improvement requires objective introspection about yourself. You’ve got to figure out what you want to improve about yourself and then figure out how you’re going to do it…
The first step is designing a program that supports your self improvement goals. One thing I try to do is get a little better each day. I love that concept and even years after hearing it I still think about it everyday. When I started practicing that concept I immediately noticed improvement and then I doubled down and really stuck to the idea and sure enough everyday my life improved a little bit. First, I started reading daily. Then I noticed when I read regularly my vocabulary and writing became better. Next, I stuck to a diet and consistently lost weight, and that motivated me even more. The realization that all those improvements were because I adopted a few new habits and followed one simple concept was mind blowing. All aspects of my life improved. Most people simply need to find something that makes them happy and focus one getting a little better at it each day, and that’s it.
Now, remember the goal is to get better and you can’t get better if you’re not maintaining. There is effort involved in maintenance, so maintenance can’t be overlooked. Reaching your goal is mostly about maintaining. Most people don't keep up with their maintenance schedule so they never actually improve and end up on the side of the road dead. (oil change reference). They needed to develop a routine that helped support their self-improvement process. People tend to get tired of doing the same things over and over again so make sure to regularly switch up your routines. Sometimes you’ve got to do things differently. Shaking things up from time to time will actually keep things fresh and keep you focused, on improving!
Good Luck,
BLOG #37: Responsibilities
Your responsibilities are your priority and take precedence over everything else in your life. There are events that you’ll want to go well so you can continue growing and achieve the type of life you dream of so you must ensure your actions are in line with your vision of the future.
Procrastination is not an option if you’re really trying to get somewhere. For example, if you’re an entrepreneur then optimizing your business is your focus and all your actions should serve your business’ goal. Your activities are always planned and prioritized so you get the maximum growth possible. The bottom line is, achievement is rewarded.
You probably already know what you need to do, so it’s as simple as doing things you already know you’re supposed to do everyday anyway so you actually get where you’re trying to go. If you focus on doing the things you’re supposed to do then you won’t have to worry as much because you’ve already taken care of your responsibilities. You’ll have a level of self-discipline and self-confidence that only comes from taking complete personal accountability for yourself. Of course you’ll be feeling great too because you're actually trying to achieve your dream.
I know when I exercise first thing in the morning I usually have a good day so I try to start my day with a workout. I showed up and did my thing like a pro and now I can move onto my next objective. With every mission accomplished you grow and build momentum…
BLOG #36: Practice
Everyday we encounter challenges. To live our best life possible we need healthy daily practices. There are many great daily health practices. I love to run, do yoga, and meditate I love the benefits of these practices. I’ve noticed some of my daily health practices are energizing while others have a more calming effect. It’s important to practice our habits daily and to remember that sometimes practice is easy and sometimes practice is hard. Oftentimes you won’t feel like practicing but it's really all about trying. Good Luck.
BLOG #35: Haters can't stop me!
I am really into psychology and I would love to learn more about mindsets because there are people living their lives with blinders on completely unaware of how they come off to others. They can't even see their glaring errors because they’re physically compromised because of poor health. There are things in their life they’re unhappy with but they do nothing about it. Focusing on their mental health would allow them to maintain peace of mind in stressful times. A clear head leads to peace of mind and that leads to more optimized decision making. One of the biggest problems people in bad situations face is having negative people in their lives. If they could get the dummies out of their life they’d immediately benefit.
All of these issues are things I would love to help people with. Many people want to improve themselves and one problem is that they think they can only get educated inside a classroom. You shouldn’t pay to learn things when you can simply read books and websites, listen to various podcasts, and also watch videos and documentaries online.
Haters can't stop me!
I’m a professional so I know I need to stay committed to my craft and not let any of the bullshit stop me from achieving what I am trying to achieve. I don't let the obstacles shake my focus. I simply have a burning desire on what you're trying to achieve. I develop routines and habits that I try to ingrain into my life so that they become automatic behaviors that I’m almost addicted to. They’re instinctual things that I am obsessed with. I am learning a little bit more about how all of this stuff works and I am getting better at it everyday. I think that the daily meditation practice is super helpful.
When things are practices that is what really helps people to develop momentum and self-confidence necessary to move forward. One of the other aspects of my life that I want to improve upon is that I want to keep a sketchbook that I work in everyday. I want to work on developing my artistic portfolio so that I can do everything that I want to for myself. I am a self-contained artist that makes work and has a message to communicate. There is a lot of challenges that I have but I am completely able to achieve what I am trying to do.
If you have a good habit you feel so strongly fortified and capable. there are things that you have to get ingrained into your behavior. I am not less happy when I don't eat sugar and carbs. I am not less happy when I don't drink beer and alcohol. I am not less happy when I clean up and organize my gym bag, clothes, meals, and notes instead of watching tv. I am happier when I am running my lines and staying focused on my purpose in life. I know that when I am focused I am the happiest version of myself.
BLOG #34: Blogging again
Wassup, wassup, wassup? I have been doing a lot of meditating lately and it's been tremendously beneficial for me, and it's lead me back again another blog post for you. So this post is going to be about meditation mostly but also kind of all over the place so bear with me. Some of the benefits I've gotten from practicing meditation are stress reduction as well as a better ability to pay attention and listen during conversations.
I primarily meditate in several different ways. The first way I meditate is while doing cardiovascular training such as running, cycling, or using an elliptical machine. I focus on my breathing and I just go for about 40 minutes, that type of meditation is great for visualization. The second way I meditate is by sitting down in chair and listening to binaural beats in my headphones with my eyes closed, this way is really good for clearing your head as well as getting all of your thoughts, ideas, and to-do lists in order. The final way I mediate is inside of a steam room or sauna, this way is challenging and pretty difficult but when I do it I always feel great for the rest of the day and it doesn't take much time to get a lot of benefits. The steam room / sauna is great place for making difficult decisions or thinking about my problems because it gives me perspective because simply breathing in the steam room is so hard that the problems you're having become much easier to face after barely being able to breathe.
I think society is oversaturated with distractions that interfere with our ability to truly experience life. Many of us are living paycheck to paycheck to pay off debt for a major we decided on in our twenties. I don't think I know one person who became what they always wanted to become. I know no one who is truly self-actualized and I think that is a shame. Why are so many people not doing what they truly want to do with their lives? What is the deal? Most people are so busy that they don't have time to critically read the newspaper or truly watch the news. People are busy busy busy and they simply plug into whatever media outlet they've been plugging into since their programming first began. The media easily sways people because that is what those people do all day. Advertisers get you to buy their shit because that is what they do all day focus on getting you to buy shit. The system isn't set-up for you to fail... but it ain't doing you any favors either.
Writing this blog post is big for me because although I haven't written a blog post in months I aspired to everyday and the fact that this time I didn't take the easy way out is a win for me. So even if this post is too long, or about too many different things, it's okay because it's my first one in awhile and I'm just knocking the dust off my old website...
I will take a win whenever I can.
LIT Fest 2017!
DC! Tonight I'm performing at @woollymammothtc for @LITcomedy's LIT Fest 2017 w/ #improv #Comedy from @SistineRobot!https://t.co/QDmmrmwWpq pic.twitter.com/2ytt3l614U
— Tim Trueheart (@TimTrueheart) June 8, 2017
DC2NY 5/27
NYC! MAY 27th, I'm performing @BroadwayComedy club w/ @IamAlexxStarr + some of DC's best #comics. Tell em you're there to see @TimTrueheart! pic.twitter.com/vfZUu4MQZ9
— Tim Trueheart (@TimTrueheart) May 12, 2017