Wassup, wassup, wassup? I have been doing a lot of meditating lately and it's been tremendously beneficial for me, and it's lead me back again another blog post for you. So this post is going to be about meditation mostly but also kind of all over the place so bear with me. Some of the benefits I've gotten from practicing meditation are stress reduction as well as a better ability to pay attention and listen during conversations.
I primarily meditate in several different ways. The first way I meditate is while doing cardiovascular training such as running, cycling, or using an elliptical machine. I focus on my breathing and I just go for about 40 minutes, that type of meditation is great for visualization. The second way I meditate is by sitting down in chair and listening to binaural beats in my headphones with my eyes closed, this way is really good for clearing your head as well as getting all of your thoughts, ideas, and to-do lists in order. The final way I mediate is inside of a steam room or sauna, this way is challenging and pretty difficult but when I do it I always feel great for the rest of the day and it doesn't take much time to get a lot of benefits. The steam room / sauna is great place for making difficult decisions or thinking about my problems because it gives me perspective because simply breathing in the steam room is so hard that the problems you're having become much easier to face after barely being able to breathe.
I think society is oversaturated with distractions that interfere with our ability to truly experience life. Many of us are living paycheck to paycheck to pay off debt for a major we decided on in our twenties. I don't think I know one person who became what they always wanted to become. I know no one who is truly self-actualized and I think that is a shame. Why are so many people not doing what they truly want to do with their lives? What is the deal? Most people are so busy that they don't have time to critically read the newspaper or truly watch the news. People are busy busy busy and they simply plug into whatever media outlet they've been plugging into since their programming first began. The media easily sways people because that is what those people do all day. Advertisers get you to buy their shit because that is what they do all day focus on getting you to buy shit. The system isn't set-up for you to fail... but it ain't doing you any favors either.
Writing this blog post is big for me because although I haven't written a blog post in months I aspired to everyday and the fact that this time I didn't take the easy way out is a win for me. So even if this post is too long, or about too many different things, it's okay because it's my first one in awhile and I'm just knocking the dust off my old website...
I will take a win whenever I can.