One must push oneself to take risks. Taking risks is the only way to achieve great things in life. Many people don't make the necessary sacrifices. They don’t put enough in their bank to get a real return on their investments.
I was talking with my dad about how when you workout you accrue "health income," which is literally “income” in the form of “better health”. Most people’s problem is after they make their "health income" they end up eating back their caloric deficit, or their “income”.
The people who are walking around with great bodies, not good bodies, but genuinely great bodies, aren't simply "genetically gifted," or "born rich,” they're just better at managing their money or "health income".
You get it.
The better you become at controlling your body the better you will probably become at controlling your money.
Think about this… There are people willing to sacrifice everything for an opportunity… An opportunity. An opportunity is just a chance to try. There are people willing to sacrifice everything for a chance to just try.
When it comes to how much you’ve worked out are you as wealthy as you could be?