I remember learning this... I'm glad they still had t-shirts left, thought I'd bought the last one. pic.twitter.com/x8Sl2rcFvF
— Tim Trueheart (@TimTrueheart) August 27, 2017
How many steps a day is healthy?
Improv Comedy!
Hey, #Frederick #Maryland Tonight #Improv #comedy w/ @ImprovImps @ComedyPigs 8pm The Maryland Ensemble Theatre 31 W Patrick St! pic.twitter.com/2krdeF3Xyw
— Tim Trueheart (@TimTrueheart) August 26, 2017
BLOG #54: First Thing In The Morning!
Every morning when you get up do your most important tasks first like chores, emails, etc. I hate feeling stupid because I forgot to pay a bill or something. I have nightmares about being disorganized, unprepared, and unkempt. That’s why I really try to be dedicated to my responsibilities. One of my biggest responsibilities is writing everyday. Unfortunately, sometimes when I get a really good writing streak going it breaks. I hate breaking my writing streak! I just can't stand not being able to keep my streak going but when it does happen I always tell myself to just start it again. The number one way to prevent breaking your streak is by doing your important task first thing in the morning.
“Her career lost momentum after two unsuccessful films.”
One thing I pride myself on is constantly trying to improve myself and my surroundings to maximize my efficiency. We’re all working to improve ourselves one way or another and here’s a counterintuitive approach to improving our lives and it involves physics. Yes, physics, that class you barely passed in high school, and we’re talking about momentum. We might be better off simply trying to build our own momentum. Momentum is the force or speed of movement. Momentum begets momentum so if you can get some then getting more isn’t as hard.
We can build our momentum in a number of different ways. Like, if you don’t already have a desk or a designated workspace then you get one. Then you start getting more stuff done. Then you look at getting a standing desk as an option for your home office. You need a workspace with few if any distractions so you can actually work. Working without distractions is a key to productivity. You need to get as much work as possible completed to keep up with the frenetic pace of life itself. Keeping up is the first step in getting out of the rat race. The next step is getting real traction by building momentum and then using that momentum to push your career forward until maintaining your momentum isn't a problem and before you know you've accomplished your objective!
The Pinch Hitters
YAY! #WashingtonDC! Tomorrow night check out some #hilarious #standupcomedy @ThePinchDC Hosted by @HediSComedy w/ @FranqiFrench, Me, + more! pic.twitter.com/r6i62vfOAP
— Tim Trueheart (@TimTrueheart) August 21, 2017
BLOG # 52: You're Worth It Fool!
We already know accomplishing things feels wonderful but sometimes it's super difficult. Yo, just try to stay focused and on track and eventually you'll get there. Focus is following one course until successful. The more effort you put into achieving your goal the more you will believe in yourself. Work diligently on putting together a life for yourself. You can do it! Now go show the world you’re worth more than a BOGO coupon, gas money, and a bucket of fried chicken!
I think most people are too easy on themselves. I think most people are not surrounding themselves with people who they really admire and using those people as motivation. They are surrounded by like minded individuals… If this is you then listen up... Do you, and if people don't like it then that’s their loss! You can get to where you want it to be, and you can achieve the things you’re trying to achieve! You've just have to do what it takes to get there… You have to do what you’re supposed to do. Sure, sometimes you don't feel like doing what you’re supposed to do. Sometimes you think you can’t handle all the stress. Sometimes you feel like you just can’t deal with all of the frustration. Use your heroes to inspire you, use music to inspire you, watching a Disney movie that makes you cry. Don’t quit. Do whatever it takes to get you moving and never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, make any excuses.
BLOG #50: All the way UP!
I always say, “Go For It!” I try to encourage people to try anything they want. If you want to be a professional badminton player... GO FOR IT!
A pro takes it as far as they can go. Go for it bro, go pro! You, and your product (whatever that may be) will improve along the way just as long as you start doing it... But you can't just try a little, you have to get to try a lot... The finish line with what you’re trying to get to. Finish the mission or die trying, that’s what I’m talking about. Okay, well maybe not die trying but that is the mentality you need to have to take it all the way to the end. Go for your gold, and see if it was meant to be.
Father of the Year
This is how @TimTrueheart trained for his new job. #TrainLikeAPro #stayathomedaddy #MartialArts #spinningbackkick pic.twitter.com/wKx01Ux75F
— Katie Dunn (@KatieDunnTweets) August 16, 2017
BLOG #49: Gratitude
I realized taking a moment to count my blessings always helps me whenever I feel like my life is getting too out of control. Whenever you feel overwhelmed just close your eyes and think of all you are thankful for. Spend time everyday quieting your mind and opening up headspace. Practice truly being thankful for all you have. Reflect on who you are, where you are, what you're doing, and how lucky you are! Think about your situation. Take the time to check in with your emotions. Be honest with yourself about your feelings. Think about how the things you do affect you. Think about all the things you want from life and ask for things necessary to obtain them. Ask for strength, wisdom, or the ability to say the alphabet backwards... If you want something, and you work for it, it can be yours.
@TimTrueheart takes on the Y-E-S spelling challenge
BLOG #48: Do Everything Well
I’m not worrying about being “successful” anymore, I’m just focusing on doing things well. Everything I do, I do my very best at. Focusing on doing things well ensures you operate at a high level. I had to stop obsessing about success when I realized it was all I thought about... and that I didn't even know the exact definition of the word. So, what is success? Success is the attainment of one's goals, or of wealth. Nice.
Okay, cool. So, now what do you do with that information?
One trait of successful people is self-discipline. Create routines that develop the skills necessary to excel in your field, then get that routine “dialed in,” which is when you’re beasting it 24/7!
Become “obsessed with excellence”. Excellence is doing things really well!
Planning takes time but less than you’d save not doing it. Plan out your week.
Planning and organization are some of the most important parts of success.
BLOG #47: Have Specific Goals
Have specific goals for yourself, and don’t settle for anything less than your best. Seriously, your life will not change until you do. One of your goals should always be; to get better at some specific thing or things. Another goal is to turn your weaknesses into strengths. Of course you must be objective about your weaknesses and create a plan to fix them. That will take time and effort but it is worth it. Honestly, you can spend your time doing whatever you want but taking care of your weaknesses is one of the best thing you can do for yourself in your quest for success. Dedicate yourself to continued improvement and as long as you focus on activities that support your health your life will get better.
BLOG #46: Dreams
The other night I had an intense dream with incredibly vivid almost psychedelic colors. Although it was visually amazing I however felt as worried and anxious as my dream was colorful and brilliant.
I was leaning against a bar in a posh establishment when a handsome bartender slides me five cocktails. He slid me five very different, very beautiful cocktails. Now, I hadn't ordered the drinks, in my dream, but I was supposed to pay for them. They were beautiful looking, and I knew they'd be delicious but I didn't ask for these drinks, and I didn’t want to be on the hook for these drinks. I remember feeling anxious I wouldn’t be able to afford the alcohol. I woke up feeling overwhelmed and anxious. It was a bad dream.
I’m going to look into the psychology of dreams and read up on some of the different aspects of growth and psychological insight I might gather from focusing my attention onto what is going on in my mind. Maybe I’ll be able to gain greater insight into what is going on in inside my head.