Tim Trueheart: twitter topics: Sex vs. Love
This podcast topic is from the twitterverse… and it’s, Sex vs. Love... I start off a little controversial with an early reference to hate fucking then I ease into the different aspects of what it takes to be a man. I sniffle through the entire thing and I unpack the differences between sex and love from off the top of my head.
Here’s an example of this episode...
Sex and love are two different things. I think animals have the ability to love. They just prefer to rip your face off and eat your skin when you look at them funny. Everything wants to eat your face!!! Sex is great... sex, sex, sex. Having sex with someone you love is better than sex with someone you don't love. You can have sex with someone you don't love. It's up to you to decide what's right for you. Sex is super popular.
Dating is hard to... Dating multiple people, and kicking ass at your life is basically impossible... Guys do relationships for the sex, women do sex for the relationship. I can't bone someone unless they're cool... I need to share a deep mental, spiritual, and emotional connection with a woman before boning. What works best for me is monotony... oops, I mean monogamy.
My theory is, become the best version of yourself so that you can then have undeniable value. Work on yourself and that'll draw people towards you. Then people will start bringing you girls.
There's a lot of dudes out there that started dating a girl and she was the nicest prettiest girl that they could get with... They just picked the hottest, nicest person that they thought they could get and then they just tapped out.
If you're just some dude that stays in his house all the time and plays video games you're never going to be able to fuck with guys like Chad.
Sex is a human imperative... So sex will keep us going but love will keep us alive!
Also, porn stars are either zen masters or psychopaths because of their ability to focus in such a high stress situation.
Thursday Night Tea with Anthony!!!
BLOG #62
When you pursue your dreams you experience a sense of satisfaction that only comes from living life your way. It’s not easy but it is worth it… You’ll fail along the way but you’ll be failing all the way to the top.
Shitting the bed sucks but it happens to everybody, even The Rock. Just don’t let it freak you out. If you are freaking out remember that overcoming insecurity simply requires self-improvement. Improving the things about yourself you’re insecure about will diminish your insecurity and help you develop self-confidence... the enemy of insecurity.
One of the best ways to move forward after any setback is by looking at yourself objectively and making any and all of the necessary adjustments.
BLOG #61
Regarding the image above, I ran the Navy Half Marathon last week these are my times... Anyway, awhile back I noticed I’d overeat every time my life got particularly stressful. Then I’d have all of this weight I’d need to lose, and this cycle would repeat itself over and over again.
Then I realized when my life got stressful not to overeat but to exercise… As long as I maintained my fitness I maintained self-control. So, don't beat yourself up over things, simply objectively look at what happened and work to improve upon that.
Writing, meditating, and running are my keys to success. What are you currently doing that supports your success, and what else could you do to further improve it?
Me at Summers Bar and Grill
BLOG #60
I hate when people tell me they have evidence that "we're living in a simulation," …
It bothers me because it’s a distraction... It’s like looking for Aliens… It’s chasing waterfalls.
We’re all distracting ourselves... I say, “Fuck distractions!”
Think about your life objectively. What are you doing that’s distracting you?
There are probably a lot of things, and some things you may not like to think are distractions, are distractions. Yes they are. They’re the same shit just different packaging.
If you're not growing you're dying, and how will you grow when you’re distracted and unfocused?
Eliminate distractions.
BLOG #59
The most difficult person to be in a relationship with is yourself because you might not know it but you're kind of a jerk sometimes.
Start your day with gratitude for all you have.
Think about how grateful you are for all that you have.
Be thankful for life’s challenges.
Without challenges we become bored.
Take care of your health.
Keep your spaces neat and tidy.
Have the discipline to do something great.
BLOG #58:
Sometimes people wear these, “What Would Jesus Do?” wristbands as reminders of what they can aspire towards. They make me think about striving to be the best version of myself.
When I start writing first thing in the morning I feel a sense of satisfaction because I know I’m doing me. Filling your day with things that make you successful puts you in a framework of success from the beginning of the day. The thing about waking up and getting started first thing in the morning is you start your day off with a win. Starting your day with a win helps build momentum to reach your potential. I'm all about reaching my potential and people who always strive for success achieve far more.
I know I can't wake up every morning and write 4,000 words but I can write a solid 1,ooo words like a professional because a professional is what I aspire to be. Strive for professionalism in your practice because practicing like a pro is the way to success. Show up and practice like an amateur and you're going to get amateur results. Show up to practice and practice like a serious pro and you're going to get serious results. Find out how hard professionals are working and what they’re doing and go out work them.
BLOG #57: Action
I love this show, Chef's Table, on Netflix... It’s so good that I rewatch episodes of it all the time. It’s amazing how much detail they go into about the world's greatest chefs and how they approach their work. If you didn’t already know chefs are among the hardest working people there are, and they’re also artists. Everyone on this show is undeniably inspiring and you’ll probably either want to eat something or cook something immediately after watching this show. Seriously… I watch these amazing chefs, and I ask myself, "What if I tried to be as good as them at comedy?" I know if I approached my comedy the way the chefs on Chef's Table approach being a chef I’d make some serious strides. One thing is for sure and it’s that these chefs are 100% committed. They are all focused on what they’re trying to achieve. They’re all incredibly hard workers who are all focused on developing their skills. The crazy thing is every one of them is already world class.
These amazing chefs all made it happen for themselves. They worked hard and they achieved. One of the most obvious things I’ve learned from the show is you have to be a doer because doers get things done. Having a daily practice and being disciplined is super helpful in developing yourself into a doer.
You need an action score and it must be a high action score. An action score basically means you get things done. A low action score is bad, and means that you don’t accomplish much.
I write everyday to make myself a better writer and it makes me feel a sense of satisfaction and self confidence which permeates into other parts of my life. Although I may not be writing the next big thing writing itself has certainly gotten a lot easier and that is where I get my win.
#GloverParkSocial at @MasonInnDC
@TimTrueheart at #GloverParkSocial at @MasonInnDC pic.twitter.com/JbBluoMVVo
— CapitalCity Showcase (@CapCityShowcase) September 14, 2017
The Capital City Showcase!
BLOG #56: Projections
I think the best gauge of success is personal growth… Focus on your growth and you’ll inevitably become your best self... I routinely take time to reflect on where I am and where I’m going in life... Regularly checking in with myself helps me to avoid many counterproductive behaviors and negative thought patterns which is hugely beneficial... The more consistently I check in with myself the better decisions I seem to make.
Imagine being someone who did the “right thing,” and instead of listening to yourself you go and get a degree from bum-fuck-egypt university and take a mildly comfortable and moderately-toxic-soul-sucking-salaried-job and then ten years later... BAM! You get laid off... Now you’re 35, you’re uglier than ever, and you’ve still NEVER pursued your dreams… Man, that’s depressing… And no one should live with that resentment, yet millions of people do everyday! I say, FUCK THAT SHIT!!!
But hey, it’s not all bad right? The guy who worked for ten years at Succubus corp probably has got some money saved up (hopefully) and at least now he can pursue his true interests. [Underwater Photography] Yes, he wanted to start ten years ago, and he didn’t, that’s not the point… the point is that he can start TODAY! And as long as we all do things that make you happy and lead you closer to financial freedom, physical perfection, and spiritual enlightenment... We’re going to be alright.