I’m writing this as my daughter sleeps in the bedroom. I just let Chico, my girlfriend’s dog, back inside, I am Chico’s “Step-Dog-Father”. He was only on the patio for about 22 minutes while I wrote this blog, and once I got to 750 words (my daily minimum). I let him back in. My daughter and I had just returned home from the museum before I started writing.
Fortunately, she fell asleep along our walk home. These times are precious. I put Chico outside on the patio because Chico’s long ass claws clopping around sounds like a tap dancer and baby girl can't sleep with all that noise. And, I can only write when she’s asleep and he was going to wake up my daughter. So, I put Chico out so I could focus.
I gave Chico a lot of scrambled eggs today... I’m being extra nice to him because I said mean things about him yesterday on my podcast. He's a hassle pretty much from top to bottom. But deep down I really do love Chico. Chico helped me realize how much I love my girlfriend, and also how love doesn’t has nothing to do with logic.