I love hosting comedy shows... It might be my most favorite spot to perform on a show, not counting headlining but no duh right? For me hosting is a pleasure. Regarding my hosting lately I've been focusing on being "unflappable" onstage. I never want to be shook if things aren't going my way. Being unflappable is a basic skill and is necessary for dealing with everything from loud drink machines to silent laughers to hecklers. Also, don't be needy. The audience knows when you're thirsty for their laughs and when they can sense that that's when the laughs stop... Crazy. Whenever you're performing whether or not you're the host or it's your first time onstage you should never appear needy for laughs nor can you let a lack of feedback affect you. You must maintain your composure and stay in the pocket. Over time your poker face will get better so don't try to rush it, and have some savers ready incase when things start going downhill. Focus on doing a good job while you're up there and not on what you think they think of you, I've found that the audience likes you more than you think and that you're much harder on yourself than any crowd will ever be.