You must be productive if you even want a chance to be successful.
From time to time as you journey toward your goal you will get in your own way... Whack right?
This is natural and happens to everyone. Yes, even handsome rich guys with giant hogs... Overcoming your own tendency towards self-sabotage is achieved by developing an awareness of when you’re doing things counterproductive to your goals. For example, negative self talk or going off your diet, and binge watching Transformers, etc.
You must get used to wrestling with your own resistance, your own humanity, i.e. your own proclivity to fuck yourself over. You must not only get used to wrestling with it you must get used to beating it again and again.
Get up early 9 days a week.
Get your finances in order and always be striving to improve them.
Get your health in order and be looking to somehow improve it. Thinner, more muscular, more flexible, more energy, better cardio, less cholesterol. (It’s always worth it)
Be as consistent as the Moon and the Sun.
Train your mind like you train your body. Don’t count on your mental health to always be there for you, you must foster it so when you need it it’s there.