When you make being your best a priority you have a far different life from your current life. I believe I can reach my goal of being a professional comedian. From now on I’m doing everything I can to make myself a better comedian.
I strive for excellence in writing, and performance. I practice telling new jokes hundreds of times so they’re as sharp as daggers before I ever even say them onstage. Everyday I review my set listening, taking notes on where I can improve it, and then punching it up so it’s as funny as possible.
I want my comedy to be the best it can be because my priority is being the best comic I can be. Telling the best jokes I can is all about writing the best jokes I can. I work tirelessly to make every joke the best it can be. I focus on arranging my jokes in an order that makes everyone laugh hard as fuck.
During my performances I want people happy and excited so I watch a my act looking for places where I can do more characters, act outs, sound effects, physicality, and creative stuff. When I’m loose, relaxed, and I’m in the pocket I’m as funny as I can be. That is why I am so focused on my process because that will allow for me to be more improvisational onstage. When I’m playing with pauses and timing that’s when I’m at my best. Lately, I’ve been doing weirder stuff and it’s really fun and I can’t wait to see where that takes me. Stay tuned.