Funny-Side Success!

by Tim Trueheart

    The FunnySide Up Comedy Show was a blast! w/ performances by The Improv Imps, Addieville, and stand-up comic Jon Yeager. Imps in attendance were Adam Vainder, Jennifer Crawford, Tice Rust, and Mark Johnson

   FunnySide Up is regularly hosted by stand-up comedian Brandon Fisher... Brandon Fisher also hosts his own podcast called Comedic Intent.   

Yeager looks like his shirt...

Yeager looks like his shirt...

Brandon Fisher rocks the mic right!

Brandon Fisher rocks the mic right!

Yeager in the middle of a Forrest Whitaker impression.

Yeager in the middle of a Forrest Whitaker impression.

Forest Whitaker's Jon Yeager impression!

Forest Whitaker's Jon Yeager impression!

The stand-ups sit in w/ me and Adam Vainder for the game of columns.   

The stand-ups sit in w/ me and Adam Vainder for the game of columns.   

Robert of Addieville rockin' out!

Robert of Addieville rockin' out!