by Tim Trueheart

I'll go out to a spot get a drink and spend $5, $10, $20... I never turn down beer, shots, I drink a lot of White Russians and yes I know The Dude abides but I need to keep improving my life so I'm going to stop drinking for 30 days. I know I'm going to miss it but it’s not benefiting me in any way and I don’t have the luxury of doing what I want to do just because I want to do it. I want to continue my progress and growth and I know that taking a month off of booze will improve my life in a myriad of ways. I can’t wait to see what happens.



VLOG 45 Be A Seeker

by Tim Trueheart

Yo I'm back in your head. I threw on my voice recorder and did my thing. I'm so attracted to becoming the highest vibrating person I can. That is the pursuit. I know that when I pursue that, other things will fall into place. It's that simple. I'm just pursuing the vibration. And reading a lot. Take care.



VLOG 42 Bone Broth Fasting

by Tim Trueheart

For a long time I've wanted to do a fast and I finally I did one, a bone broth fast. Although technically not a real fast bone broth fasts are great for improving your gut health. There are also many other physical and mental benefits of bone broth fasting like reducing body fat. In this video I also cover how I did my fast and what it felt like. Please remember to like, share, and subscribe! Thanks,


VLOG 41 Reclaim the power of your vibration

by Tim Trueheart

Success is all about doing what you’re supposed to do. You can’t do that when you’re not vibrating at the right frequency. Hear how reclaiming your vibrational power will help you achieve greater success in life.




by Tim Trueheart

    Nice days are beautiful days and should be appreciated but you know your life sucks when going from broke to poor is an upgrade!

We're not here to play videogames, PMO, and toil under fluorescent lights in cubicles our whole lives. We're here to live our best life. Well, you can’t live life to the fullest if you sacrificing your talents and don't become the best version of yourself. 

That's what you want right, to kick ass?

Well, you've gotta do the things that make you better and here’s some advice on how.

Plan your planning. Yes, you've gotta plan time to plan. 

Then make some plans and a to-do list. 

Organize those plans and prioritize them. 

Start checking things off your to-do list. 

Stick to the plan.

Keep following the plan. 

Check in with and update your to-do list daily to avoid drifting from your goals, plans, etc.

Remember to keep things in perspective, you don't need to be awesome right now. 

Keep following the plan. 

If you can be a little better today than you were yesterday then you'll be a lot happier.

Keep following the plan. 

Keep showing up, doing you,and things and getting better. 

Plan time to plan the next plan. 

Keep putting one foot in front of the other. 



VLOG 37 Foundations for getting out of the basement

by Tim Trueheart

You must be productive if you even want a chance to be successful. 

From time to time as you journey toward your goal you will get in your own way... Whack right?

This is natural and happens to everyone. Yes, even handsome rich guys with giant hogs... Overcoming your own tendency towards self-sabotage is achieved by developing an awareness of when you’re doing things counterproductive to your goals. For example, negative self talk or going off your diet, and binge watching Transformers, etc. 

You must get used to wrestling with your own resistance, your own humanity, i.e. your own proclivity to fuck yourself over. You must not only get used to wrestling with it you must get used to beating it again and again. 

Get up early 9 days a week.

Get your finances in order and always be striving to improve them.

Get your health in order and be looking to somehow improve it. Thinner, more muscular, more flexible, more energy, better cardio, less cholesterol.  (It’s always worth it)

Be as consistent as the Moon and the Sun. 

Train your mind like you train your body. Don’t count on your mental health to always be there for you, you must foster it so when you need it it’s there.



"If you're one of us, you'll take a bite"

by Tim Trueheart

Remember the “If you're one of us, you'll take a bite” clip from Seinfeld? 

From time to time we’ve all felt like George, like outsiders... You might even think of yourself as an outsider and maybe you are an outsider and if you are that’s okay. 

Today, I woke up in a very counterculture mood that made me reminisce on my relationship with graffiti. 

Writing graffiti was my first foray into the underground and I loved writing because of its anonymity, its artistry, and because I didn’t have to be part of the group. 

Maintaining the right balance between being an individual and being part of a group is harder than trimming your sideburns, because what happens on one side affects the other. Trim too much and you lose your individuality, trim too little and run the risk of being an outcast. When I wrote graffiti I could do me and not have to worry about anything except other writers and cops, of course.

These days we’re pulled in many different social, political, and ideological directions and if you’re not careful it’s not only easy to lose yourself, it’s likely, and it is up to you to maintain your own sovereignty or become another corporate lemming in the rat race.

 If you’re a weirdo and you’re not hurting anyone but then you change who you are just to fit in with some group then who are you? You’re a lot worse than just a weirdo, you’re not even a poser, you’re a sheep.

Don’t be a sheep. Be you. Do you. Be your own group. 

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This post was dedicated to a man who struggled and finally found peace in the end.

I just found out you were gone. Rest in peace Rufus Hannah. 


