by Tim Trueheart

"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." -Jim Rohn



A very poignant statement that resonates with me deeply because multiple times in my life I’ve wished I had different friends. I felt like there was this giant gap between the people I wanted to be around and the people I surrounded myself with. Sad.

I hate being around people I wish were different than they actually are. For example I was jogging, and I saw a friend of mine and he asked me if I had a cigarette. I was like, "Do you not see me running?" WTF! Why do I have friends like this? Everybody hates people like this because these people clash with our value systems/lifestyles, etc. The problem is a lot of us try to change these clashy folks when we should simply distance ourselves from Mr or Ms. Clashy. People are who they are and we shouldn’t even try to change them. I feel like, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” 

    Unless you’re already in too deep with someone just dip out… That’s right, I said it, ghost that futhamucka!

    Who am I to say someone isn’t “good enough” to share my company? I’m ME futhamucka, and I make decisions everyday! And I have faith in my ability to judge character: So, I say that if  you think that some a fool is a legit scrub, I suggest you tell them to go kick rocks! BYE!

    You need to be strong enough to tell a chump-ass punk-ass to bounce, step-off, or even better, to go suck a lemon. Yeah! Tell them to suck a lemon.



    “Hey, Mr/Ms. Clashy! I’m tired of you wasting my time with all your bullspit! I believe in my ability to judge character, and you’re guilty of being a chump-ass punk-ass! SO, GO suck a lemon, you scurvy-having-fool! And be careful not to stub your scrub-ass toes while you’re kicking rocks you shiteater!

    Okay… Maybe, shiteater was too much but you get my point, you’ve gotta stand up for yourself sometimes. Just be careful how you talk to stupid idiots because sometimes they get mad when they find out they're stupid.

    Finally, remember “like attracts like,” (The Secret Law of Attraction) so don’t surround yourself with people that you don’t value because they’ll rob you of your value!

"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." -Jim Rohn

It’s very similar to that old adage, "You are what you eat." -Victor Lindlahr

She also likes the spicy meatballs you know?

She also likes the spicy meatballs you know?

    Always surround yourself with winners, not whiners, because the weak suckle at the teet of the strong, and they will drain you of all your rich milky awesomeness. Believe in your ability to identify losers, and distance yourself from them soft serve suckas. Tell them to, “Go that way!” like Big Punisher did on, “It’s so hard” because you’re Mr/Ms. Icewaterveins, and you don’t play no baby-shit dookiers.  

