#WashingtonDC come to the @ThePinchDC tonight for some awesome #standupcomedy w/ some funny futhamuckas!!! DO IT and all your wildest dreams will come true. pic.twitter.com/YsS9rsrAJZ
— Tim Trueheart (@TimTrueheart) January 30, 2018
#Arlington #Virginia #WashingtonDC Check Out My Brand New Stand-up Comedy Open Mic, Now Every Thursday At 8pm @summers_bar!!!
— Tim Trueheart (@TimTrueheart) January 30, 2018
I can’t wait to make you laugh! #standupcomedy #comedy #success pic.twitter.com/0bWJa3CGn7
BLOG #68: Your Ideal Day!
Turning our dreams into reality requires a lot effort, but once you’re on the right track it’s really more about staying the course... But, what does “the right track” look like? See, you need to visualize what a successful day looks like for you. What does your successful day look like? This is something you’ll need to think about. It’s also not a permanent thing, it’s fluid and ever changing.
As a stay at home dad this is what my, “ideal typical day” looks like...
First, I wake up at 6 am and I do the “Five Tibetan Rites,” to warm up my body and to help keep me limber… There’s no excuse for not spending 10 minutes a day just stretching out your body... Next, a few cardio kettlebell circuits followed by some wind sprints, light stretching, (I don’t want to pull a hammy now do I?) a steam (15 minutes a day is ideal), and finally the powerful shit, shave, shower combo.
Once I’m a dapper don, I write and edit my 750 words writing assignment for my daily blog.
Then I have breakfast (a ketogenic meal) and then watch the news, check emails, work on my calendar, to do list, and planning.
After all of that I review my most recent sets take notes and then rehearse my set a few times listening back to it after each run through. Again I write for another hour, this time for a specific reason such as; a book, a future blog, a podcast, my act.
Then lunch (finally)! After that Grace, Chico and I will usually go for a walk to look at all the nice houses in our neighborhood. I like having visual examples of things I can aspire towards.
Now, if my daughter takes a nap I always try to do something that sharpens my sword, I may stretch or meditate. I may clean, or work on an art project. I may rehearse my act, edit a podcast, read, or work on my business (I am very concerned with paying my bills and building wealth).
Well, everyday I strive for perfection knowing at my very best I'm still a little dysfunctional.
I'm blessed to get so many gigs as a zombie!
BLOG #67: Tao of #standupcomedy 2
Being a comedian often involves juggling many different, often unrelated, things everyday, all while trying to maintain your sanity. (no joke)
So here are some tips that I hope will help you on your way.
Make sure that you’re getting in as many quality sets as possible. And remember, you’re branding... You want people visiting your website and coming to your shows.
Become a planner, comedy, and life both involve a lot of planning.
Keep your finances in order, most comics don’t have a lot of $, and I am no different.
Write. Writing is most of what I do.
If you’re blogging, vlogging, or youtubing... Keep stuff in the can for a rainy day... Have a lot of stuff in pre-production before you start anything new so your content can continue to come out despite any unforeseen situations that may occur.
Remember, you’re trying to create and build momentum and opportunities. You must be constantly creating the best content you can! Try doing something that if you found out someone else was doing it you’d be jealous.
Tim Trueheart: Topics: TBD
Enjoy another one of my solo podcasts. Thank you for listening!
Tim Trueheart: Topics: Pep Talk
Check this out and let me know what you think!
Moments ago someone I just found out existed told me to DM my mom, "Thanks," and now I'm anxious about humanity's future.
Hey! You look like the type of person that unretweets people the day after retweeting them. Psyche you’re cool. Anyway, I'm really happy to be here, and I want you to listen to this as it will help you on your way. See, success is all I care about, and I know a thing or two about success, for example today I passed a guy on a bike while I was jogging and then I grew wings, exited the atmosphere, and met God…
Tim, This guy on the elevator said he shits his pants every time Trump tweets about North Korea. I recommend wearing a kilt and going commando.
Tim, wassup with trying your best and getting shit results? I know right? That’s futhamuckin bullspit! Whatever the opposite of undefeated is, (defeated) that's what I am in comedy contests. Yes, and I am defeated in every comedy contest i've ever been in, but I think sooner or later my luck is gonna change. (Probably)
Remember in this life you've gotta do something, or make something happen because being broke as a joke ain't funny!
So listen to all of my stuff and come to my website all the time and I’ll let you into my inner world… Like yesterday, I put a scuba diving action figure in a urinal as a goof then went back later to check on it and it was covered in dookie! Ah sucky sucky now!!!
BLOG #66: Tao of #standupcomedy
I get in my own way when I do a #standupcomedy set then don't listen to it cuz I'm embarrassed. It's SO crazy.TIM, you already performed it!
— Tim Trueheart (@TimTrueheart) October 25, 2017
Earlier today I thought to myself…
“Is there a point where you don’t get any better and once you get to that point are you
just stuck?”
I want to be a professional comedian... But, in order for me to move to the next level I need to become a better comedian. However I’m having problems with my performances and the problems onstage are happening because of mistakes I’m making offstage. For example, one mistake is: I’m not reviewing my material often enough. I record all of my sets but I honestly only listen to about half of them. I don't know why that is the case. It’s dumb because I know I’ll be better if I make listening to all my sets a habit. I have to be honest with myself... I mean, if I don't listen to my material then how can I expect to really improve?
There you have it… I’m simply going to focus on doing the things that will help me become a better comedian. Even if it’s difficult for me.
BLOG #65: My purity challenge!
As a new father I face many challenges, most notably dad bod. I don’t want dad bod. I want dad bod like I want debt. Nope, I wanna be the hot dad!
So, for the next two months, I’m going to shave and floss my teeth everyday and double down on my diet and strength and conditioning workout... and going to start supplementing testosterone too. Also, just for a little extra challenge I’m not going to masturbate! (OH SHIT)
YES! For the next two months….. YO, reading what I wrote is seriously scaring me... As a matter of fact I think my balls just took a big *gulp* right then! (That’s probably somehow a good thing)
One thing I think will happen with all that extra testosterone running through my system is I’m gonna get straight jacked! I hope I don’t “Hulk out” on anyone. I probably will. I’ve got no filter and I’m very impulsive, ask about me, in other words… this is going to be fun!
Anyway, doing more yoga and focusing on getting into a really nice groove. I think the combination of things involved in this challenge will transform me physically, mentally, and spiritually... This isn’t a reinvention but more of an application of a few subtle “tweaks”. I’m even thinking that I’m going to start dressing my best, which I think will also boost up my confidence quite a bit too!
Why Tim, why are you so, um ambitious, and or crazy? This is all because I think it’ll help make me a better person. Yep, I think not jerking off will make me a “purer soul”. I know it sounds like mumbo jumbo but mumbo jumbo is what I’m all about, and also jambalaya that’s my favorite… Yo, I read horoscopes, so what do you expect from an ENFP?
Basically, I’m going to start treating myself like the professional entertainer that I aspire to be and I want to see where that takes me… Honestly, part of me actually thinks over the course of the next couple of months my dick might even get bigger! 8---D
BLOG #64: #Ketosis
Ketosis is the key to being a lean mean bad futhamucking machine… I’ll explain.
I want to be a BAMF just as much as the next guy (honestly probably waaay more). But that shit is difficult and I’ve tried and failed many times. BUT, I have recently succeeded and it was because of the ketogenic diet… Today is my first day of going back on the ketogenic diet...
I just ran 4 miles then I ate a “reasonably” ketotic lunch. It was 3 chicken wings, and then a steak quesadilla. The tortilla shell isn't ketotic but as long as I keep my carbs below 50 grams a day I can get into and maintain ketosis… Which is something I’m trying to get back into.
I know soda isn’t healthy but I never stopped drinking Diet Coke, and I still lost over 30 pounds this year... Diet Coke is one of my guilty pleasures, and I allowed it because yeah, it may have some weird chemicals that make your balls shrink but it doesn’t have any calories either, and I’m trying to lose weight so whatever...
Contrarily I love kombucha… My favorite flavor is GTS Synergy Raspberry Chia, I like it because of the seeds, even though it feels like snotty boogers when you drink it.
Back to ketosis… I love fruit, which are carbs, which is the enemy of ketosis... So I have to keep my fruit intake very low to reach, and maintain ketosis. Some things that make ketosis difficult for me are candy and alcohol... I freaking love candy, especially twizzlers, and anything gummy… And I like to drink, now I am not a big drinker because I actually have Asian flush like a mug, but I do drink enough alcohol to kick myself out of ketosis. My secret is Michelob Ultra. I can drink one or two of those and stay keto.
The ketogenic diet gave me a foundation to build my life around which helped me lose a lot of body fat and improve literally every aspect of my life. If you have any questions about ketosis message me on twitter or my website and we’ll rap about it.
Writing everyday is just part of my life...
Just had a powerful writing session! I'm so grateful I have the opportunity to pursue my dreams. #writerslife #Writer #comedy #standupcomedy pic.twitter.com/XXvQD8Itpg
— Tim Trueheart (@TimTrueheart) October 16, 2017
Tim Trueheart: Topics: Ghetto
I talk about the “hood” mentality, speeding, pity, homeless dudes, storytelling, and more…
BLOG #63
I’m writing this as my daughter sleeps in the bedroom. I just let Chico, my girlfriend’s dog, back inside, I am Chico’s “Step-Dog-Father”. He was only on the patio for about 22 minutes while I wrote this blog, and once I got to 750 words (my daily minimum). I let him back in. My daughter and I had just returned home from the museum before I started writing.
Fortunately, she fell asleep along our walk home. These times are precious. I put Chico outside on the patio because Chico’s long ass claws clopping around sounds like a tap dancer and baby girl can't sleep with all that noise. And, I can only write when she’s asleep and he was going to wake up my daughter. So, I put Chico out so I could focus.
I gave Chico a lot of scrambled eggs today... I’m being extra nice to him because I said mean things about him yesterday on my podcast. He's a hassle pretty much from top to bottom. But deep down I really do love Chico. Chico helped me realize how much I love my girlfriend, and also how love doesn’t has nothing to do with logic.
Tim Trueheart: twitter topics: Mindfulness
On this episode I discuss my foibles, being happy, mindfulness, my need for prescription medication, my comedy writing, creating emotional space, alcohol vs. pot, and breathing.
Thank you,